Why Won't My Possum Video Load?!

Late.. Late.. Late... I know, I was going to show y'all a video that I made called the day in the life of a possum but, I couldn't get it to load on blogger or on youtube, I even tried to load it on the Weather Channel! But that didn't work either. I am currently trying to load it onto my G + account and it seems to be working so far. I hope it works! I'll try to see if I can post the video later this week. Hopefully one of the sites will be able to load it. Anyway sorry for being so late. Happy SWS!


  1. Hi Joseph ~~ I've heard, really read, other bloggers using Blogger moan that they couldn't load videos today either.
    Jim's Six Word Saturday
    Happy Late 6WS!

  2. Blogger is being crazy these days, Joseph. It has me following blogs I stopped following and not showing blogs I am following, so I think it is their fault! Good for you for trying to be persistent to post it though! I did wonder what was up with you. I got up at 2 a.m. our time to post my 6WS post and was surprised you weren't on there already! Glad to see you now!


  3. Jim, Lol! Maybe I should tell blogger about it.
    That Corgi, Lol! Ya, i'm usually the first one to post. Thanks!

    : )

  4. We will have to wait till next Saturday I guess LOL.

  5. Hope you can get it to load...I have found no matter what sight you are on eventually it will have you pulling your hair :)

  6. Soulbrush, Ya, I hope I can get it to load by then.
    Susie Clevenger, Lol! Ya, that's true.

  7. I've never tried to load a video to blogger. I hope you were able to load it somewhere eventually. Email me the link if you did so I can check it out!

  8. Hello Joseph,it's Jess from Splashes & dashes,just to say thanks for commenting on my 6WS last week.
    I had a great time reading bout how everyone dried their washing.The radiators are in full force now!
    Hope you had luck uploading your video :-)


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