Beastie Boys: Licensed To ILL!

                                 "Yo! What's the time...?" "It's time to get ILL!"

Time to review another random music album. This one is one of my favorites. It features all of the classics from the Beastie Boys, like "Brass Monkey", "Fight For Your Right", "No Sleep Till Brooklyn", and of course "Time To Get ILL." I have to capitalize the two LL's at the end because otherwise it would look like this Ill and that's just confusing. Back to the album, I really like it. The covers a little dramatic with the airplane smashing into a mountain but, the music is great. Every song has that old school 1980's rap beat with lyrics that rhyme and don't make sense. I think it would be a great album to play at a party or in your car cruising down the block. Lol! If you like old school rap or are a big fan of the Beastie Boys then you should check out this album.

I'd give this album a 10 out of 10, I liked every song.


  1. I think hubby would like this! Thanks for the review Joseph!!

    have a good Tuesday!


  2. Does he listen to rap music? Glad you liked it. You too! : )


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