Animal News 13!

We say goodbye to one of our good friends this week!
The White Kitty has moved to my neighbor's house, really long story. You can read about it here:

Well, I hope she is with them. She had been showing up less and less lately and then on November 17 she didn't return in the morning like she usually does. So I guess she is with them.
So, bye bye White Kitty. I hope I get to see you again.

Also, I haven't seen the impostor kitty in awhile, I think it'll be happy now that the White Kitty is gone.

Still no word on the squirrels. I guess they went into early hibernation.
I have decided to move the bowl of water and the plate of cat food to the patio so, that the possums and raccoon's don't have to go to the front door.

That's it for this week, I'll be looking more deeply into the squirrel situation and tell you what I have found out.

Bye for now! : )


  1. White Kitty is adorable. My Buster showed up at my house one day and the rest is history.

  2. I do hope you get to see White Kitty at least a few times here and there so you can at least know she is doing okay! Bet the squirrels went where they could find food easier??


  3. Ya she'll probably show up randomly like she did the last time. I'm not sure about the squirrels because there are acorns lying everywhere, I think maybe they got enough food already. : )


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