Things I Did This Week 3!

November 20 I think is when I got my 18th follower, it is when I found out that I had 18 followers. I applied for a job as a pet sitter for two  cats on, I changed my profile picture to the one with the cat food spilled all over,it was rejcted. Also added a video of Oliver on it which was also later rejected, I don't think they like me. I was appointed shirt master by my brother. I decided to put this list on my Joseph'sreallife blog. I decide to spend more time on my blog.

November 21 I started following the chop shop blog. I learned that the earliest snowfall in Charleston, SC and Savanna GA, was today. I went with my dad and brother to Imperial Tires to put new tires on the Scion. I listened to the new 92.0 news station, learned about the nuclear storage, I'm glad they decided against it. I heard music from Mizqofficial and became friends with him on youtube.
                                         Here's one of Miqzofficial's songs

November 22 I decided to put Jooble back on my blog. I got a 4.0 on my inr test so, I had to change the amount of cummidin that I take each day. I watched some of the movie Mindwarp, really bad movie couldn't finish watching it because of all the violence. First time I watched a episode of Alfred Hitchcock's hour, I liked it and decided to watch more of them.

November 23 First time I played a game on a ps3, I played it while I was at Micro Center with Faisal and Tamara. First time I played Assain's Creed. The first time I played Uncharted 3.

November 24 I made Black Eyed Peas Squash with my mom, ate Thanksgiving dinner at my sister Tamara's house, Wore a snuggie, watched the A&M vs UT football game, and learned about Pentrist and Pandora.
                                  Aggies lost, Wahh!!!!

November 25 I drove the Scion TC with the new tires on it, the car felt like it had a little more grip. I got some new pants from Marchalls.

November 26 I got my 19th follower to this blog. I took a picture of a sunset through the clouds. My dad sold the necklace that I made. 


  1. Cool you made a necklace Joseph and that your dad sold it (I hope you got the money for it, LOL). Yep, that 4.0 for your INR is not a good thing, I'm glad the Coumadin got adjusted! I'm trying to imagine you in a snuggie, they are cool, aren't they? Sorry the pictures about the cat things got rejected though but glad to hear you are getting more followers!!

    Can you believe Christmas is four weeks from today? Coming too soon!


  2. Lol, technically. Ya those snuggies are like a backwards robe. Ya I decided to stop going there.

    I can't believe it either! I feel like Christmas was here yesterday, time goes by too fast!.

    : )


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