
Going to join a new meme today called Two Shoes Tuesday from Josie Two Shoes! How it works is each week Josie writes a one word prompt where you can then share a short story, poem, essay, thought, or, photo relating to that word. We'll since today's topic is about shoes......
These are my current ones! They are just regular tennis shoes that my dad got me last Christmas! As far as shoes go I usually like to get running shoes, like the ones pictured below.....
These are my old shoes. I've had them since late 2007. I still use them, just not as often. Only when I have to get into the mud or, dirt. Or, when I feel like running, since they are running shoes!
The only thing that I don't like about running shoes is that I slip easily when I walk on wet tiles. My new ones pictured above have a flat surface so, I don't slip as easily....
I like my new shoes better but, I sometimes miss my old running shoes! I like to run so, running shoes have always been my choice for shoes when I was getting new ones but, lately since I have gotten out of high school and am not running track anymore. I don't really have a need for running shoes, just occasionally when I feel like running. I might miss them but, just plain old regular tennis shoes are enough for me.
I've thought about going running again, maybe running the 26 mile marathon but, I haven't decided if I want to do that. I tried running the mile on the trail that I ride my bike on and I got tired before I got about half a mile. It was in June and it was really hot. Also I had missed the deadline....
It ended on June 21st, I think. Maybe i'll try again, get some new running shoes! I don't know, for now i'm sticking with my Nike's!

Joining Josie Two Shoes, Two Shoes Tuesday, click the link below to join in or, see other entries.


  1. You go, Joseph! Running & biking are healthy! Let us know when you do that marathon!

  2. I got a kick out of this post, Joseph, you sound so much like my son. He as a shoe collection that far exceeds mine though, and I've been known to ask him just how many feet he has that he needs all those shoes! I too hope you do run that marathon next time, and maybe Santa would contribute a new pair of running shoes! :-)

    1. Lol! Ya I've been wanting to run it, ya maybe....
      : )

  3. I really appreciated you joining in for Two Shoes Tuesday... stay tuned for the next word on Saturday, I bet you can have some fun with it!

  4. PS - I'd love it if you'd turn off this darn word verifcation thing, I stink at it, and it took me three tries for the last comment! LOL :-)

    1. Lol! Oh.... sorry I didn't even know that I had it on, Google must have put it on by default when they made their changes. : )

  5. Shoes that you slip in can be such a love hate thing for me, they are usually more comfy but you forget that they......slip!!! So then I try to wear something with more grip and they just don't seem as comfortable so I go back to the flat bottom ones and.......slip. Glad you joined in and wrote on shoes :)

  6. I envy people that run. I wish I could...or even walk for exercise. Bad feet won't allow, though I have often tried over the years. It just leaves me in pain.... But I love running shoes. They are so comfortable. I have been known to buy running shoes to wear every day, just for how they make my feel feel. Not too fashionable, though, when you are a woman and want to be stylish, and need to dress up for work.....
    a 26 mile marathon? whew. good luck with that one!

    1. Ya they're good shoes, no they're not really that fashionable.... Thanks! : )

  7. Hi Joseph ~~ I like this. We might be pretty much the same with shoes. I wear running shoes, Nike's, all the time. My foot doctor said to put some arch support inserts in them, the green kind we can get at The Academy Sporting Goods store.

    I have my tennies (above), a pair of black walking shoes that I wear for dress and to church, and a pair of sandals for around the house. Oh yes, and my golfing shoes.

    1. I did a Josie Two Shoes post also, it is on Jim' Little Blog.

    2. Lol! Cool, one of my favorite shoe brands! I will come check it out! : )

  8. Good for you! I run too, and am partial to ascics.

    1. Cool, running is fun. I've never tried those. When it comes to running shoes, i've always been a new balance fan! : )


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