Time To Show My Opossum Video!

                           Now presenting: A Day in The Life of a Opossum. Enjoy!


  1. We too have (who knows how many) but this little guy or probably his cousin was checking out our deck in the back and then he waddled on over to the front of the house...looking for tidbits of kitty food from feeding our two out door cats...this one was really bold though...he even climbed up behind our grill on the deck like he'd find something there....they are strange looking aren't they...

  2. Lol! Ya, I think it's funny how the opossum in the video decides to eat the dirt and not the cat food...huh? : )

  3. Hey you did it!Havnt watched it yet,just pleased you managed to do it!

  4. Haha we don't get these animals here across the pond.

  5. Have caught a few of these on my deck over the years! cute video!

  6. Hi Neighbor! Happy 6WS! :)
    Possums and my least favorite animals. I doubt if the cats like him eating their food either.

    We moved to the north of Houston, Montgomery, I haven't been seeing them. But when we lived in Friendswood we had a lot of them. We had racoons too that would get up into our attic.

  7. O dem possums is delicious!
    Cool vid.

  8. Wow! What a possum!

    (visting from 6WS)

  9. He's cute Joseph (or maybe she's a she?) Big one too! You did a great job with the video, taking it, and then you had the patience to keep working to get it to load so you could share it with us! I did enjoy it; thanks for doing it!


  10. OOOOOHHHHH.... I hate possuummmmmmmssssss!

  11. Jess, Thanks!
    Soulbrush, I didn't know that. I wonder why?
    Susan in SC, Ya, they like to eat the left over crumbs. Thanks!
    Jim, The cats don't seem to mind, they get into your attic? I've been wondering what all that noise was.
    Ron, Do some people eat them? Thanks!
    Southofthefork, It's a pretty normal sized possum, I've seen bigger. Thanks for the visit.
    That Corgi : ), Lol! I don't know what gender it is. Thanks! i'm glad you liked it. : )
    Brenda Youngerman, Well, I was going to video tape a squirrel but, I couldn't find any.

    : )

  12. Of the possum or the beetle? Lol! : )


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