Things I Did This Week 2!

I decided to move this list to this blog because I decided that this blog is going to be my personal blog again.

November 13 I watched Body Snatchers the 1993 version, I thought I heard someone scream Ahh!! After watching it and it scared me. Went to the new Shipley's on Dairy Ashford, I think it was my first time going there. Also I think it was the first time that I ate a donut this year, I don't remember. Listened to Julia's improvised techno song. Bought a red 1:140 scale Matchbox dump truck on ebay. Watched Rampage, really horrific movie. Not sure if they should let people watch it. Heard about world kindness day.
November 14 Made my first Things I did this week post, I know it says it was made on the 13th. That's because I was going to make them every Sunday. Started following the milk shake blog. Decided that I was going to make a music Mondays. Got to seat in the back of a 2012 Camry while my dad test drove it, I liked the inside but, I didn't like the outside of it. I touched my first steering wheel that had a paddle shift on one of the 2012 Camry's, I think it was my first time. Had a latte from the Don Mgill dealership. I Went in the new Marcos pizza on Dairy Ashford and ate a pizza from there. Reviewed Tropical Depression for my first New Music Album Monday's post. Learned about the 2011 Nobel peace prize winner Leymah Gbowee on the Daily Show With Jon Stewart. Learned about the pipeline from Canada to Houston, TX. Learned about designer Thomas Thwaites on the Colbert Report. Got the karma, La Fiesta, and pink Pontiac concept toy cars that I ordered from ebay. I also got my B-52's Time Capsule t shirt.
November 15 Got to be on Brenda's Tuesday Spotlight. relearned how to take pictures with my sony dvd camera. Wore my B-52's time Capsule shirt. Deleted the Jooble link because I didn't know why I had it on there. I spilled pretty much all of the cat food in the cat food bag on the floor.
November 16 Learned where Mongomery county is. Took a picture of a beetle and I learned that I could take good pictures with my camera. Recieved my 1989 1:140 scale red Matchbox dump truck in the mail. Changed background picture to the picture of the blue Fj cruiser covered in hail stones from the hail storm that we had. I learned that my camera doesn't take good pictures in the dark. I loaded the first three clips of my possum video on to youtibe. I learned that some bloggers don't really like you to comment on their blogs. I learned about how Jack Kennedy saved the life of sailors in the Navy during WWII on the Colbert Report.
November 17 Loaded the last three clips of my possum video. Learned that vanilla comes from a bean. I got the possum video to load on youtube. I found out about the really big beetles. I showed my possum video to some of my subcribers on youtube. I took some pictures of the plants and insects in my backyard. I got my hair washed by Simon. I wore the Stratford shirt that my dad gave me. The first shirt time that I've ever worn a Stratford shirt. I learned about the book about Rin TIn Tin. It was the last time that I will wear my I scored high on my drug test shirt unless, I can clean the stain off of it. The last time that I saw the white kitty, she is with a neighbor. I hope I get to see her again.

Rin Tin Tin (Hardcover).Opens in a new window
November 18 I went to the Imperial Tire shop, really nice people with quality tires, and cheap prices. Added the Micka cat wdget to my josephsreallife blog. I watched Kick Ass.        http://houston-tx.showm:                              
November 19 I released my opossum video on the Six Word Saturday, everybody got creeped out. Lol! Made a lego house for a marble with Rosa's grandson Danny. Turned on the TV and saw that the last five minutes of Twilight was on, really fake acting I think I could do a better job, I don't know how anybody can stand watching it. I decided that I wasn't going to wear my I scored High on my drug test shirt anymore because there was a stain on it. I learned about the toxic fish, the ways o grow plants from your trash, and about pink dolphins from the npr radio station. I learned that eating fritos with spicy buffalo sauce from Mcdonald's doesn't taste that good. I decided to move the cats food plate to the patio since the possums and raccoon's are usually over there. I decided to keep my mp3 player in my drawer so, that it won't fall and get broken. I decided that I should keep my cell phone with me when I am taking a shower so, that I can answer it whenever someone is trying to call me.


  1. You did a lot last week, Joseph! Hard to keep up with it all! Sounds like a mixture of things too, a lot of learning, some adventures, goodies received in the mail, etc. I did like reading your spotlight on Brenda's blog!

    Now on to this week of Thanksgiving!


  2. Ya sorry, I try not to jumble all of the things together. Thanks!

    See ya! I hope you have a good Thanksgiving! : )


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