Friday Fill in Fun 3!

1. I knew this question was going to come someday... I don't actually have a first car yet. I count the blue FJ Cruiser as my first car but, it was really the family car.
2. I find a shower very relaxing.  
3. Red Robin's make me think of that restaurant called Red Robin. 
4. Next year, I will cry if we have another hot and dry summer like we did this year.



  1. I like that car Joseph!! I had to laugh about #4, I do hope that doesn't happen! I hope it is one filled with rain showers and cool breezes! (but then you do live in Texas, so who knows)

    I like Red Robin restaurants! Their hamburgers are soooo good!


  2. Lol! Ya, I don't mind the heat but, I really hope we don't have another dry year. I've been there once the hamburgers were good but, they were also huge and hard to eat. : )

  3. Showers relax me too. I take one everyday after work to unwind

  4. They always help me when I don't get enough sleep. : )

  5. I agree - showers are very relaxing.


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