A Windy Week Ahead!

It looks like we are going to have another hot week with highs in the 90's but, atleast it is going to be windy so, that will help to cool the temperatures down. This Spring season is turning out to be like last year's except that it is alot hotter. Last year we barely got any rain. It didn't start raining until July "ironically" because July is one of the driest months in Houston. Unless we get a Tropical storm or something. Atleast we haven't been getting any severe thunderstorms with damaging winds that we usually get at this time of the year. I do like the sun and the wind but, i'm worried that Houston is going to get into a drought if we don't get any rain soon. Also I just like to watch the rain! I know that i've talked about this before already but, I couldn't think of anything else to write about today.


  1. That's okay, I always enjoy reading about how the weather is in different parts of the country!! I hope your area isn't affected by the fires I heard about on the news!! Seems like lots of fires going on in Texas! Stay safe!


  2. Thanks! No not, that I know of. We've had some fire warnings though. : )

  3. what do you mean "not that you know of"? it's headline news. all but two counties in the whole state of Texas have been affected.


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