I Got My Xbox 360!

On Saturday the Usps mail man gave me a package that was all wrapped up and I was hoping that it had my Xbox 360 in it. I opened up the brown box and got my Xbox 360 out of it and hooked it up to my tv. The Xbox turned on but, I wanted to see if it would be able to play any games so, I put Forza 3 into the Xbox and it loaded without any problems. I only played it for about ten minutes but, so far it seems to be working fine. Now I can play Driver: San Fransisco when it comes out. I can't wait to play it when it comes out now that I have a Xbox 360. I am thinking about buying a steering wheel for it but, I don't know if I want to or not yet. I'm glad that I got a Xbox 360. Now I can play all the new games when they come out!


  1. Yea! glad you got it and it seems to be working well!! Have fun playing the games!



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