L.A. Noire!

Since I found out that Driver: San fransisco probably isn't going to come out until early 2012 I decided that I was going to buy L.A. Noire instead. It is a crime action game that let's you play a decetive in the 1940's. I think that is a cool idea and it sounds fun. I also like that you get to drive the cars that they drove in the 1940's. It comes out on May 17 and I think that i'm going to pre order it so, that they will deliver it to me on the day that it comes out. I know that alot of other people are planing on buying it also so, it may be sold out. I want to make sure that I will be able to play it when it comes out. I've seen some of the gameplay trailers and it looks fun. I can't wait to play it.


  1. It does sound like fun; I haven't heard of it but I don't play a lot of video games and my son who is 22 years old lives out on his own now, he used to be the one that would tell me what was "cool" with new games coming out. I think being a detective in a game like this is unique; hadn't heard of that type of scenario in other games!! Good idea to preorder it! That way you know you'll get a copy of it!



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