Friday Fill in Fun 22!

1. I love to listen to music when I need a pick me up!
2. No matter how hard I try, I just can't find the best song, once I find a song that I think is the best, I find one that is better.
3. A warm summer day makes me feel all warm a fuzzy.
4. I can't resist a sale on video games.

Joining Hilary in her Follow Friday Four Fill in Fun, click the link below to join in or, see other entries.



  1. I think the majority of us would agree music does pick us up (unless it is a sad song, LOL) but that is what is so neat about music, so much to choose from!! I like warm summer days too, after a weekend of rain and cooler weather, I'm looking forward to some warmer days soon I hope!


    1. Ya that's true! LOL! Ya well summer is just around the corner, it's already here in my city. Yesterday was really hot! : )


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