Caution! The House of Fallen Trees!

After that long dry summer the trees roots have been dried up, we barely got any rain last year, unlike this year where it seems like we've been getting a little too much. The second picture, the one with all the logs is the first tree to fall due to too much water, it fell on February 6, 2012. The first picture at the very top is of the tree that just fell down last night at around 6:30 pm. That's the second tree to fell down due to too much water and it looks like more are about to fall. One might even fall on our house, specifically where my bed room is, someone is coming either today or, tomorrow to cut them down. So hopefully that will be the last of the falling trees. Happy 6WS, a little late this time, I wanted to show y'all the picture of the tree but, I couldn't get a clear picture of it so, I waited until morning when the camera would be able to take a clear picture. I hope another tree doesn't fall.

Update: Tree might have been struck by lightning, there were some strong storms the night before.

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  1. Strong storms, indeed! I love trees. (6 words)

  2. So odd that you posted this for 6WS because I too just noticed on Saturday that we have two trees out front of our house that somehow were attacked by lightening? strong winds, who knows and they lost a great amount of branches that are just hanging. These two trees were planted by me a few years ago, so they are fairly young and we'll just trim away the dead branches and hope for the best!

    1. That's sad but, i'm glad that they didn't fall down. We have to cut down all our trees so, that they don't fall down. I hope yours don't! : )


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