Feeling Really Hot Need A Drink!

Joining Cate in her 6WS, click the box below to join in or, see other entries.


  1. cute picture Joseph! Water is also good to drink when feeling hot! I hope Sunday is a good day for you!


    1. Lol! So is tea! I usually start craving coke then tea when i'm really thirsty. I get really thirsty when I don't have my tea in the morning. : )

  2. Get a nice cold icy drink....and quench your thirst, even though they say warm water quenches it quickest!

    1. Cool tip, I didn't know that though I would probably go for the icy drink over the warm one! : )

  3. Hi Joseph ~~ Sorry to be soooo late coming here. I really like your drawing. Diet Coke is my favorite too but the doctor has limited me on that.
    I hope your 6WS was happy. Getting on late sure does cut down on comments doesn't it? I was later than usual myself.


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