Cat Food!

Recently I had bought I was going to the grocery store to get some cat food for our cats. Once I got to the dog and cat aisle of the grocery store I was presented with two choices get the regular old Meow Mix that we usually get or, spend a dollar more and get the Purina Cat Chow brand. Thinking about the cats health and how tired they must be of the Meow Mix I decided to go with the Purina Cat Chow brand. The reason why i'm telling y'all this is I have a question. Since y'all are cat lovers I was hoping y'all could give me some advice on what you think is the healthiest and least expensive cat food and where do you go to get it?

Joining Michelle at our Cat Thursday host, click the link to join in or, to see other entries.


  1. Can't help you with cat food, Joseph, but I know with Koda we tend to stick with the same kind of food so as not to upset his stomach. He was on Hills Science but after he got diabetes we moved him to Blue Buffalo. Its a bit pricy, got to get it from the pet store as opposed to the grocery store but it supposedly has healthier nutrients. Good luck in your research!


    1. Lol! That's good, glad you found some healthier food for him. Thanks! : )

  2. funny, that is the exact brand and same (blue bag) that I buy for my kitty cats!...with chow on it and a huge pink ribbon(this time) for advertising awareness...

  3. Joseph, I can't afford to buy overly expensive food for my kitties, unfortunately so I try to buy the least expensive name brand I can afford. One that seems fairly reasonable and also healthy is 9 Lives and it comes in several varieties like Indoor Cat, one for mature cats, etc. I've also bought Kit and Kaboodle before, but not frequently. Sometimes I have to resort to store brands and the ones I find to be the best are the Walmart Special Kitty brand and Kmart's (can't remember the name) store brand. Each of these store brands has one that's comparable to Purina Cat Chow. Of course, if I have a coupon and there's a good sale on, I've been known to buy the more expensive brands.

    Hope I was helpful!

    1. Kit and Kaboodle? Lol! I've never heard of that brand before. I never buy store brands, I tried buying the Kroger's brand of dry cat food and the cats wouldn't eat it, I think it was too hard, it took them months to eat it all, never again. I only like to buy the brand name ones, our cats are too picky.

      Thanks for your help! : )


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