Friday Fill in Fun 19!

1. If I could meet one person living or dead, I would want to meet Martin Edmondson founder of Reflections which created Driver, one of my favorite video games.
2. I find it hard to concentrate sometimes, like write now, I think i'm having writer's block.
3. The last time my dad, brother, and I went to Galveston was on the fourth of July and then we didn't go again.
4. Where are the chairs when the guest's are here.

Joining Hilary in her Follow Friday Four Fill in Fun go to to join in or, see other entries.


  1. Very interesting! Thanks for sharing these!

  2. What a creative person to want to meet!

  3. Guests seem to be a popular theme for number 4!

    1. Lol! I think it was part of the question, I wasn't sure. : )


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