Maybe Some Rain!

While I was on the Weather Channel website I saw that they were predicting more rain for the plains and maybe some rain for the parts Texas that are in a drought including Houston. There is a chance for rain on Thursday and Friday this week. I don't know how strong the chance is for rain on Thursday and Friday but, atleast there's a chance. I just hope we can finally get some rain. We are currently in a drought and some parts of Texas are in a extreme drought. I hope they are right about their forecast. We need some rain!


  1. hoping you get that rain too! I know how hard it is when there is a drought too and an extreme drought! Water conservation, worry about fires, etc. Hoping you wake up to rain on Thursday and Friday both!


  2. for some reason I can't comment on your You Tube play list entry; Blogger won't allow me to open up the comment box, weird. But I did want you to know I read it and I think it is a great idea for you to do the play list like this! I also have created a play list through; it is free too and you can make different playlists up like that and play them while you are on the computer! I like You tube a lot!!!


  3. Ya, I don't know why he wouldn't let you post on it. I was having trouble with posting it and I thought they deleted it because it wasn't showing up after I posted it. Thank you for your comments! : )


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