More Oliver!

Since my sister Tamara brought Oliver to Houston and she didn't have enough room to bring him back to Dallas she decided to let us take care of him until she gets back. He hasn't been at our house since Feburary. I tried to play with him today but, he scratched my hand so, I had to stop playing with him. I hope he doesn't miss Tamara. Maybe he just doesn't like to be stuck in Tamara's old room all day. He was always trying to get out of her room the last time he was here. We can't let him out though because our other cats will attack him. Maybe we can take him on a tour of the house like we did the last time he was here. I hope he enjoys staying with us.


  1. I bet he will enjoy staying with you; he just needs to get used to you all again!! I bet he warms up soon! That will be nice to have another cat around to spend time with!


  2. Ya, like I don't already have enough. lol! : )


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