
Here's a story inspired by the 70's movie that I watched on YouTtube yesterday called "Two-Lane Blacktop" I do not understand the 70's!

"Peace!" She said as she got on to the bus that was going to her supposed college. Her parents were really happy for her, but her siblings were worried. They didn't think that she was really going to college. She had hardly packed anything and was talking about wanting to travel across the country. Had she lied to their parents? Were was she actually going?
The bus dropped her off at a bus station at the next town. Once she got off, she held her thump up. A universal sign that she wanted to hitch a ride. A huge white dry van pulled over. She felt the cold steel bar as she climbed in, there were refrigeration stickers all over.
"Where you headed?" Asked the driver.
"Up north" She said. The driver just nodded.
"Well, i'm going into the next town to deliver, you can ride with me if you want."
"Sure." She shrugged.
Once the dry van stopped, she searched for another car. An old couple just walked into the grocery store.
"Nope" She thought.
Just then Mr sunshades walked out of his Firebird, went to the soda machine and grabbed a cola.
"Cool!" She thought and then snuck into the back of his machine. Mr sunshades acted like he didn't even notice, but he did.
"Hi!" He said, looking kind of irritated, but he knew the rules.
So he let her ride with him. After about an hour it got dark and Mr sunshades wanted to go to a motel.
The girl thought that she should get out and rest, then find another ride.
Mr sunshades offered her some drugs, but she wasn't into it and was starting to get worried. She had only been gone for a day and she was starting to get homesick.
Home was now a thousand miles away and she didn't want to let her parents know that she had been lying to them, so she sent them a postcard and decided to just keep on hitching and hitching from place to place, year after year not knowing where she was going, or what she was doing. She just didn't want to go home.
Her parents not seeing her, or getting a post card, began to worry. But she never returned home, but just kept on traveling and traveling from place to place, searching for something she didn't know. She just didn't want to stay in one place, or with the same people for long. She just wanted to keep on moving.

Joining Joise Two Shoes in her Two Shoes Tuesday, click the link to join in, or see other entries.


  1. Nice post, Joseph. It brought memories. Those 70's were sad because the Hippie days were ending.

    I watched the first three minutes of your video and will finish it later. In the 50's we raced our cars on the unfinished portions of Interstate highways. By the 70's most were finished so we had to go to the back roads which were two lane. Blacktop in most places. Texas has more pavement than any other state I can remember.

    Did you notice the cars were mostly 50''s? I've had a 1950 Studebaker, a 1950 (Jimmy Dean) Mercury, two 1950 Ford Tudors (have one of them now), a 1951 Ford Tudor, a 1952 Ford Tudor (my best and hottest hot rod), a 1953 Ford Tudor, a 1956 Convertible and a 1956 Ford 4-door hardtop.

    Back when the girl left she sent them a postcard because cell phones weren't invented until much later.

    And everyone wanted peace, the were active for wanting it. Now we just say it.

    1. Oh, I though the hippie era began in the 70's and ended during the late 70's, during the gas crisis, but I guess it was mostly in the 60's.

      I like 50's hot rods the best, big engine bay area for big and fast engines! You really like Fords! I am a big fan of the 1940's, or maybe 1950's Ford Business Coupes. I like big 40's and 50's sedans.

      Yup, no cell phones. : )

  2. This was sooo cool, Joseph! I was wondering if anyone was going to go back and pick up on the peace movement of the 60's-70's. I happen to know a girl that was so very much like this one. In fact she looked a lot like me... a much younger version! It was an amazing time, and I did my share of hitchhiking, which wasn't quite as dangerous then as it would be now. Peace was a dream that we believed was achievable back then, some of us still think it is. You did a great job of bringing life and personality to a story of a time that seems so very foreign in our world today. Very thoughtful good write... you're clearly getting into this Two Shoes Tuesday thing! :-)

    1. Ya I don't think anyone would pick you up during this day and age. I've seen some hitchhikers in New Mexico, but that's it. I would have liked to go hitchhiking, but i'm afraid too. I don't know who's car I would be getting into.
      I still think peace is achievable and try to achieve it everyday. Thanks! : )

  3. I think each decade is different and young people set new standards in the art of breaking free, sometimes with disastrous results. I don't think you can understand a generation that is not your own. Even your own can be an enigma too! Each one of us wants to survive our own way and not be dictated to.

    1. Ya I don't feel related to my own generation most of the time and then sometimes I do. : )


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