I Made a Veggie Burger Today

It's a Five Guys style veggie burger! It is just a burger with all of the veggies, but without the meat.I found some left over English Muffins and then put melted American cheese, pickles, mayonnaise, lettuce, ketchup, and mustard, in between the two English muffins. It was good, it tasted just like a Five Guys veggie burger, sort of.

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  1. I like your "sort of," Joseph. My ex-BIL used to put Brussel sprouts in his too. I liked them, sort of." I liked his spaghetti pizza better. :)

    My Six Words today:

  2. Glad you enjoyed. To each his own! (I would like it without the cheese, mayonnaisew, pickles and muffins, lol.)

    1. Ya, I usually like my regular burgers without cheese, but I like to have cheese on my veggie burgers! : )


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