So Much For Saving The Trees

Since finding out that our trees have not gotten enough water and having seen two oak trees fall down last year, I have been trying to save the last remaining trees that are still left. I have been trying to water them at least three times per week with just a sprinkle of water. I only gave them a sprinkle of water because I didn't want to put too much at once and have them fall over, like the two oak trees that fell over in the front yard last year. The oak trees fell over because there base is shallow and when Houston had that drought in 2011 and then got all that rain in 2012, the oak trees couldn't take all of the water at once, so they fell over.
So now I have been trying to save the trees that are left, but it seems like I am too late and that they are already starting to fall over. It looks like some of them might fall over tonight, or this coming week. We are supposed to get alot of rain, maybe 2 inches this week, plus with the wind. I saw a small tree branch fall today off of a tree from just maybe 20 mph wind gusts. That wasn't much and if we get a strong 50, or 60 ph wind gust they will probably all fall over. They all look bent.
I don't know what to do to save the trees in my houses yard. I looked up on ways to save trees on the internet at a east Texas gardening website ( and they told me that I needed to water the trees not at the base of the tree, but that I needed to water the trees at the ends of their branches that are not near the trunk. That's pretty far up! How am I supposed to reach that high? And also these trees are pretty old, maybe more than 50 years old and they told me that I would need to water them with probably 2,250 gallons of water, if they are that old and my math is correct. That is alot of water! And I can't stand there and water all of those trees. I think we may need to cut them all down. I don't know what else to do. Any suggestions?

The above pictures are of the branch that fell off of one of the oak trees in my houses back yard.

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  1. Hi Joseph ~~ Yes, I think they meant water the ground directly below the end of the of the branches. Just be wide and for sure you will hit where it is needed. A foot or two inward from where the branches end and a foot or two beyond.

    If we get all that rain they won't need watering for a couple or three days later. We are out of town, might be driving in the rain? We will see.

    Best wishes with the tree.

    1. Thanks, I just got woken up by some heavy rain. I don't think I will need to water them in a while. We are supposed to get some more rain later, near the end of this week. So I guess I won't be needing to water them at all this week. Thanks for the advice! Be careful driving, stay safe!
      : )

  2. Joseph, I would recommend having a tree specialist look at the trees, at this point. They could be dying. If they fall, someone could get hurt. Maybe he could save them!

    1. Ya, we are probably just going to have to have someone cut them all down. : )

  3. Well, I think you did the best you could, Jospeh. I wonder if this would just be the natural end of the trees' life after all these years?


    1. Ya, maybe, I don't know. They might just be old. I'll have to look that up, thanks! : )

  4. A tree doctor could help, it's too bad, but planting more is an idea too!

    1. Ya, but I don't think there is enough space in my yard for anymore trees. I think that's what the problem is. There are too many trees and not enough space for them to grow. Some of the seem to have grown too close to each other. : )


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