Not Sure What to Say

I've been feeling pretty sorrowful these past couple of months, not being able to get out more than a mile away from my house has put me in a pretty sorrowful mood, but these last couple of weeks, to my surprise since the beginning of September, I have been getting better and have begun walking and driving, although I haven't been able to drive that far yet, just around my neighborhood, but I think I will be able to start driving out of my neighborhood soon, I hope, but at least I am starting to feel better.
I have been able to walk around my house and back yard with alot more ease. Thinking about how I have not been able to walk much, or drive has made me pretty sorrowful, but I am happy to say that I am getting better and hope to be better soon.

Joining Josie Two Shoes in Her Two Shoes Tuesdays, click the link to join in, or see other entries.


  1. When your mobility is threatened it is very dispiriting. I am so glad you are being able to work through it and get further afield.

  2. I am happy to hear you are feeling better. I hope you are totally healed soon!

  3. This was definitely a sorrowful situation, Joseph, it is hard to be confined, especially when you are young and want to be out and about. I'm glad to hear you are getting stronger and will soon be able to take some driving excursions at least. The weather is so beautiful out right now, not too hot and not too cold! Will be including you in my prayers for healing. Thank you for joining in with us for Two Shoes Tuesday, it always makes me happy to see your link pop up! :-)

    1. Ya the weather is nice over here too! I enjoy the dry air that we get during the fall. Thanks, I enjoy linking up!
      : )

  4. Hi Joseph ~~ I am sorry to hear about your setback. September 1 was a long time ago. It was nice you could be on the Internet but still not good that you couldn't walk far or drive. I am thinking that for sure you weren't strong enough to ride a bike.

    I am wishing you to get completely well soon. I will be praying for that too.

    1. Thanks, I have been able to ride my bike, but only around my driveway. I have been feeling better today and drove my car around my neighborhood with alot more ease than I had the week before, so hopefully I will be well soon.
      : )

  5. I am glad you are getting better and are able to do some of the activities that you used to like to do, Joseph. Hopefully soon you'll be all better and able to do everything like you used to do.



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