Made New Food Blog Joined Feedspot

Hey, have any of y'all heard of a website called Feedspot? I had created a new blog a couple of weeks ago called and a couple of days ago, I got a email telling me that my new blog Dinnerat3 had just gotten 30 followers. I don't know how, or why my blog was on there, but I thought that was pretty cool to have gotten that many followers in just a couple of weeks.
Here is the link to The membership is free and you can look up other blogs and sites on it that suit your interest, go check it out!
Also you can check out my new blog, if you want. It's just a blog about food and the things that I eat. I just enjoy eating and trying out new foods, so I decided to make a blog about it.

Joining Cate in her 6WS, click the bow below to join in, or see other entries.


  1. I got this email as well, but I have not checked it out yet. I am going to go have a look! It is great to have new followers, isn't it?

    My 6ws is here:

    1. Ya, I hope it is real, It looked real.

      Ok, i'll go check it out! : )

  2. Visiting from 6WS. The new feed services sounds pretty amazing. Hope it turns out to be real!


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