Is Your Cat Afraid of Lemons?

For some reason that i'm not sure why, Simon is afraid of lemons. Is Simon the only one or, are their other cats who don't like lemons? What does your cat think about them? Happy Cat Thursday or, later in the week, was a little late. Maybe i'll just count this one has tomorrow's since tomorrow is Thursday.

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  1. I wonder if it is the smell Simon doesn't like with the lemons. Too cute though :)

    (I think tomorrow is Wednesday, isn't it?)


    1. Ya I think maybe it's too strong a smell for him.

      Oh.... LOL! I got confused! : )

  2. I think it's the strong smell. My cats hate the smell of Carmex (that stuff for chapped lips). If I'm wearing it and I pick them up, it's a deal breaker.

    Simon is such a gorgeous cat!

  3. I haven't really tried lemons with any of them, but knowing my cats, they would probably just turn away....they all (2 inside kitty-cats and 2 outside cats) just like to eat their cat food period! Unless I'm offering fresh tuna or some other fishy delight!

    1. Lol! Well I've never tried to feed it to them but, that would be interesting to watch! I guess making a lemon flavored cat food wouldn't be a great idea.

      : )

  4. I don't know if it's the smell - my cat (Pandora) just loves the smell of Vicks - get the jar out and she's there! The other cat doesn't care about it - I guess they're all different.

    1. Lol! That's weird. The only thing our cats like to smell is themselves or, people. : )


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