Houston Trail and Nature Pics Plus Some Video!

Found this sign near one of the trails in George Bush park, more history!
Here's a picture of what the ranch used to look like, not sure if y'all will be able to read the sign though. It basically just says that the ranch was located here or, close to here and that it was founded by E.H. and Maud Marks. They're famous for breeding H7 cattle and taking part in making the first rodeo which is a cattle show that takes place every year in the Reliant Stadium, it's mostly a show for farmers but, everybody likes to go to it.
This is a monument that the Marks family made to remember their ranch.
Not sure what this is?
I think it might be some kind of well, maybe a former oil well?
Took some more pictures of powerlines, heard a weird buzzing noise was scared. Wouldn't want to be standing here during a thunder storm or, hurricane.
This looks like a nice place to sit.

A sign that tells about the different creatures that are on the trail.

Black turtle.
Green turtle.
Green pond, looked like grass, careful watch your step, possible alligators down below.
Rows and rows of powerlines!
Some information on the bayous and birds. Texas has more species of birds than any other state in the country! They like to migrate through the bayous.
I found the Easter bunny, he was hiding under the grass.
So that's why they call it the ant hills, so many ant piles, they look like little huts, ant village!

I'm not sure why but, my camera sometimes shows a dark image when I take pictures towards the sky on sunny days. This picture looks like it was taken in the 70's which I think is pretty cool.
More powerlines!

Some refinery or, something, I took a picture of these tubes because they look like they came from a cruise ship.
My bike needed a rest.

Support the troops! I think these are for the National Guard but, i'm not sure.
Video of the dam at the entrance of the George Bush park, we had alot of rain the day before.

Lots of photos! I hope you enjoyed looking at them. I've done 430 miles so far on my bike with still more trails to explore. Not sure where i'm going to go next week, bye for now!


  1. Wow, Joseph, 430 miles is pretty impressive! That's lots of riding! I liked this day's adventure. I would have had to sit on that bench (and probably taken a picture of it to use sometime on my header picture :) Neat place to sit and look around! I had to laugh about the sign about not feeding an alligator. If I saw a sign like that, I'd be leaving the area, LOL, not to encounter one!

    enjoying seeing where your bike takes you; thanks for sharing it with us!


    1. LOL! Ya I went around looking through those platforms trying to find one but, I didn't see one. They must have been hiding under that pond somewhere. I'll try and take a trip down there again sometime.

      Thanks! : )


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