Zest A to Z

It's the zest bird!

I like to put a lot of zest into the things that I do. Like drawing. I can't draw unless I am very zestful about the thing that I am about to draw.

Last post of the A to Z challenge! Thank you to those that stuck with me, visited my blog, and commented on my post! : )


  1. How cute, Joseph! It is good to have zest in life and adventures we pursue! WTG for finishing the challenge! You did great with it too!


  2. Good job, Joseph! You made it! That was fun.

  3. Love the Zest bird and my favourite colour! Yahoo-we did it! Loved your posts:)

  4. Hi Joe I nominated you for the Liebster award as I found your blog quite fun. I hope you have fun looking at it and possibly partaking


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