Asia A to Z

Well, what a minute, I am not calling myself Asian, but I am part Middle Eastern, so I have some Asian in me. I've always liked the Asians. I like all cultures. I have 4, or maybe 5 different ethnicities in me, so I am not one culture. I live in America, or the United States, where there are a bunch of different cultures.
America is really big. We're so big that our states are bigger than many countries. Check out this map showing states that are the size of whole nations.
Here is a interesting map of the United States. Check out other interesting maps of the United States in the link below the picture.

So anyway, back to Asia! That is where half of me is from, but not to write too much, i'll leave the rest for my next posts! I hope y'all will rejoin me, bye!


  1. Hello, Joseph! Quite interesting! I have several ethnic backgrounds in my makeup as well, among them is American Indian, Scots, Irish, German, and who knows what else. Best regards to you. Ruby

  2. Joseph, you are interesting. While I am American born and raised, and proud of it, my heritage is also varied. Interesting post!

    1. Yup, me too, but I have a bunch of different cultures!
      : )

  3. This seems like a great theme to get to know more about you, Joseph! It is always fun to learn about different cultures!


  4. Hi nice to hear about yourself, like your short and interesting post ! hope to read more ..

  5. I'm excited that we are going to get to learn a little more about you during the A-Z. I love the mix of cultures that make our country interesting. I do not like the prejudices that sometimes exist. Your map was fun, I grew up in South Dakota, and yes, by big city standards it's a pretty boring place, but I still like it. And yes, Texas surely feels like it on fire during those 108 degree summer days! :-) Great starting post for the A-Z, I'm so glad you are doing it!

    1. Thanks, sorry I have been skipping your Two Shoes Tuesday!

      I don't like prejudice either.

      Yes, but South Dakota gets awesome weather!
      : )


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