Born A to Z

I was born on December 14, 1989, a couple of miles from where I currently live, in Houston, TX.
HDR Photo of Downtown Houston Texas Day Cityscape
Cool things that happened on that day. I couldn't find many cool things that happened on the day that I was born, but I did find this! ( Monkey Day! Which started on December 14, 2000, very cool! I'm going to start celebrating it every December 14!


  1. That is an interesting fact! Your birthday is certainly enough reason to celebrate, but monkeys are fun, too!

  2. Birthday is good! But Monkeys? Well!

  3. That's a pretty picture of the skyline of Houston, Joseph! That's neat too that you still live in the city where you were born! lYou're the same age as my son; he just turned 25 back in March. I think it is wonderful you want to celebrate Monkey Day; could be a start of a new family tradition!


    1. LOL!

      Yup, I have lived in the same area code since I was born!

      Happy late b-day to your son!

      I like monkeys! : )

  4. What a great photo!

    And I didn't even know there was a Monkey Day...

  5. love your pics ! and appreciate you for sharing a bit of yourself !

    1. Thanks the first one was from someone else, but the second one, I drew. : )

  6. You are going to be a quarter of a century old this coming December... wow! :-) Of course I am more than half a century old, so I wish I was 25 again! A monkey day? Who knew! I have a blog friend who goes by The Ranting Monkey, I will have to send him this link so he can celebrate it too! :-)

    1. Great! I've never though of it that way!

      LOL, ok! : )


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