Surprise Sleet Showers in East Texas!

(Sorry there might not be sound, the video quality is not to great.)

Houston and most of east Texas, got some surprising sleet and snow showers today. It wasn't that surprising since the weather forecasters have been talking about it all week, but they weren't sure if any precipitation was going to form, or not and if the precipitation did occur, if it would fall down as snow, or sleet, so it was a surprise. The sleet pellets were really big too!
At around 6:20 am, when the first sleet shower started to pass through my house, I thought that the sleet might have been freezing rain, or maybe ice pellets, but when I ran outside I saw that it was sleet that was falling.
The sleet was as hard as ice, but as bright as snow. The sleet drops looked bigger than I remember, back when Houston got a sleet storm back in December, 2004. Which made me wonder at first if it was sleet, or just ice pellets, but it was sleet!
I'm glad that it was sleet. I've been wanting to see a sleet, or snow shower for a long time. I'm also glad that it only lasted for a couple of hours and that the temperatures didn't get to 32 degrees and freeze the sleet and cause problems for people going to work. So that's good!
I don't know if we will be getting any more winter storms, or precipitation this winter, but I said that last time! There is no winter weather in the current forecast, but we'll see!
That's it for now! Until next time! : )


  1. Glad you got to see sleet, Joseph! You might be getting some more if you get the system we got today; lots of rain and cool temps.


    1. Ya there looks to be some cool, or cold temps with a chance of rain today and this Tuesday, but the weather forecasters haven't said anything, so I don't know....I may need to make another winter post! : )

  2. We were in Texas (trucking), and it snowed. It snows everywhere we go, this year. Bad roads!

    1. LOL, y'all can't escape it! I'm sorry y'all didn't get to experience Texas's usual warm weather. : )


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