Universal Way A to Z

Chun Kuk Do, is a fighting style that I learned in middle school, sponsored by Chuck Norris. I think Chun Kuk do is the style of fighting that the late Bruce Lee taught, but i'm not sure. Or maybe it was inspired by him.  I had only gotten to the blue belt. I hope to get a black belt one day....


  1. If you want to pursue this, I hope that you do! It takes a lot of courage and focus to mater the martial arts. Good for you!

    1. Thanks!

      Lol, I thought you were trying to rhyme! Your comment sounded like a rhyme to me. : )

  2. good for you!! It's good that you can kick some ass:) How many belts in between the Blue and the Black?

  3. That will be great if you did get to black belt one day, Joseph. I bet it is a great disciplined routine to do.


    1. Yes karate teaches you good discipline. I learned a lot about discipline from it. : )


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