X A to Z

Printable Railroad Crossing Sign

This is what I think of when I think of the letter X.

I like rail roads and I like to ride my bike on abandon rail roads. Which there currently is a big fight over.


  1. Now why is there a fight about the old railroad area? It seems a perfect place to ride your bike. Railroad crossings are fun especially when having the time and can wait to see all the cars especially the caboose

    1. Well these are abandoned railroads on lands that the land owners feel entitled to and I guess they don't want people to ride their bikes on their property. Maybe, I don't know.

      : )

  2. You did great with X, Joseph. That was an interesting article about railbanking. I think as long as people are respectful riding their bikes through property like this and don't leave a mess, they should be allowed to, but that's just my humble opinon. We're almost done!


  3. This is both a clever and informative post for "X". I can understand the land owners feeling that way. They already gave up the land to the trains, it would be difficult to allow people to roam around on their property. People tend to not follow rules and stay on trails, too.

    1. Yes, but they could build a fence! I just support it because there are usually not that many places to ride your bike in big cities and I think using the abandoned railways would be a good idea. Just my thought! : )


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