Shining Night

Beneath, the big moon it shines at night
blocking the sun's rays that blind my sight,
the rays of the sun, they are too bright,
that I long for the secluded darkness of the night,
using only the moon as my guiding light.

Joining Josie from Two Shoes in Texas, in her Two Shoes Tuesday. Click the link to join in, or see other entries. 


  1. Amen Joseph, me too! Today's 113 degree sun was absolutely miserable! I'm waiting eagerly for it to fall under the horizon so I can go outside and cool down I our "cool tub" (with the heater most definitely turned off!! Have you ever gone out driving on a country road at night with just the light of the full moon? It's beautiful... as long as you know for sure that you are the only one on that road! Thank you for joining us at Two Shoes Tuesday, I look forward to your post each week, this was great!

    1. Ya, sounds fun, but I would still be worried about running over any animals though. Thanks! : )

  2. Definitely be careful driving at night with animals out & about! It is beautiful at night, though! Nice poem, Joseph!

    1. Ya my neighborhood is dark during the night and I have to watch out for animals crossing when I drive. Thanks! : )


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