Looking Out of my Bedroom Window

Looking out of my bedrooms windows it looks like it is going to rain. Lol! I looked up my old entries to my old weather diary blog and looked up what I wrote when I first started to write down what I observed about the weather that day, back in November of 2010. I didn't put much information back then and wrote some funny stories about White Kitty, a cat that I was trying to take care of, that had been taken, or ran away from us that kept coming back to my house. I didn't know what to do with White Kitty, since the other cats (Simon and Little Kitty) didn't like her being inside my, their house.
So I wrote some stories about rain, cold, and White Kitty. I thought that they were pretty funny and I was surprised to see how cold November of 2010 was. I think January of 2011, was the coldest I've ever seen in Houston, TX. You can view my old weather blog at the link below,

I haven't deleted it yet because I was thinking about putting my weather diary into a binder and making a real life weather diary!

Joining Cate in her 6WS, click the box below to join in, or see other entries.


  1. Hi Neighbor!!! ~~ A weather blog might be fun. Here in Texas you could make one post and repeat it for the whole summer, "HOT AND STEAMY TODAY."

    I remember it getting this cold back in 2007. Adi has since died, back in September, 2012. I still miss her.

    1. Hey!!! Ya that's true.

      I'm very sorry to here about your loss. One of the cats that has lived with my family for 13, or 14 years passed away in April of 2010 and I still miss him sometimes too and I miss the White Kitty. I hope she is ok. I don't know what happened to her when she disappeared back in November of 2011. I assumed she went to go live with the neighbor that was taking care of her. I don't know.

      Sorry to hear about your loss! : (

  2. Joseph, you are always doing interesting things!

  3. I like the idea of a real life weather diary; I also like the weather blog. But oh, I want to know what happened to White Kitty!


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