
Cloud, A visible body of fine water droplets.

I think that's what the internet dictionary said. That sounds right to me. Clouds make rain drops! I like rain and I enjoy the cloud cover when i'm holding a sign for my parents store during the summer when it is really hot.

And now some cool pictures of clouds...

I like to call these popcorn clouds because they look like popcorn.

These are some pictures of clouds that I took last week. I love clouds and enjoy taking pictures of them. I take alot of pictures of them everyday and I put them in my weather diary. There is usually just too many cool pictures of clouds that I don't know which picture to include in my weather diary, so i'm glad that I got this opportunity to show y'all some of these cool cloud pictures that might not make it into my weather diary.

Joining Josie in her Two Shoes Tuesday, click the link to join in, or see other entries.


  1. I love clouds too, Joseph. I take pictures of them and have written about them in some of my poetry. We share a love of weather. If I had been able to join the Navy, I would have been a meteorologist.

    1. Ya, if I was good at calculus I would have become a meteorologist. Lol! I still want to study weather though and make forecasts, maybe on the side, during my free time.
      : )

  2. I have a whole collection of cloud pictures too, Joseph! I love storm clouds the very best! That's what is hanging low outside my window right now. I had never thought of the fluffy ones as popcorn, but from now on I will, and when I see one I will think of you and smile... you are right, they do look like that! I can imagine how much nicer it is to be holding that sign with a little cloud cover rather than with the sun pounding down on you. You should have someone take a picture of you with the sign sometime, I'd enjoy seeing that! Share more clouds anytime too, these are great! Thank you for joining us as Two Shoes Tuesday (It's never too late to add a link there, they stay open!)

  3. Cool, I have a picture of me holding the sign that I used for one of my college projects. I'll show it to y'all on my next post. Lol, sorry everything looks like food to me. Also thanks for letting me join in on your Two Shoes Tuesday! : )

  4. I think clouds make us all stop and wonder. I have writen several poems about the clouds and they seem to appear in a lot of my other poems. I really like the summer rain clouds of southern Utah and Arizona.The have amazing shapes and they can drop a lot of water in just a few minutes.
    Being in a cloud burst in Zion Canyon is one of my fondest memories.
    great post...great pictires

    1. Cool, that sounds fun! I agree mountain storm clouds do look cool. Thanks! : )


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