Back From my Trip to Colorado!

Here's a 8 minute, almost 9 minute slide show of pictures that I took on my trip to Colorado. Ok, well for some reason the video isn't working, so i'm going to show y'all some videos that I made and some of my favorite pictures from the trip.

These are call marmots, or wood chucks. Found behind a shopping center in Thornton, CO.

The top three videos are of roads and places along trail ridge, road, along the rocky mountains.
This is a picture of a the rental 2013 Chevy Malibu that my dad rented. We were waiting for my aunt to arrive from her flight.
Not sure were this picture is from, but I thought it was nice.
View of the mountains from the back of the rental car.
Skiing, never been, looked like fun!
Going up!
I wasn't feeling well.
This is a picture taken when my dad and I were driving up trail ridge road in Colorado. They had just finished clearing the road up, a couple of days before.
A storm cell looked to be behind us as my dad and I were getting ready to board the plane. 
This plane is called a 787, dream liner, airplane. It was very nice a big, wide bodied plane . The 787 carries 300 passengers instead of the 150 passengers that the smaller planes carry. Also the plane had beds and folding chairs, at the front, for the first class passengers. I enjoyed riding it. 

It was a fun trip! I enjoyed Colorado. There were are alot of nice, friendly people and nice wide open green fields that extend all the way to the mountains. I enjoyed seeing the clouds above Colorado's wide open green fields. There were alot of go green people in Colorado. I saw some wind mills and solar panels near the Denver International Airport.
Colorado kind of reminds me of Texas, but with slower drivers and bigger mountains. Colorado kind of reminds me of the Texas hill country. That's what Colorado reminds me of; the Texas hill country, but with bigger mountains. I enjoyed seeing the sights with my dad and aunt, who came to vacation with my dad and I . The trip to Colorado was fun. I hope to visit Colorado again sometime, or maybe i'll go live over there!
Ya, I don't know....until next time, bye!

Joining Cate in her 6WS, Click the box below to join in, or see other entries.


  1. Glad you enjoyed your trip; thanks for sharing it. Love those mountains, and the waterfall!

  2. Thanks for sharing the pictures, Joseph! I love Colorado!

  3. I haven't been to Colorado in years. Your post really took me back! Glad you had a great time. ☺

  4. Hello Joseph,

    It's been a while since my last SWS, I'm happy to be back to visit blogger and I do remember your name, I was there when you started and it's cool that you are still there.

    Wow your pictures or videos are really such a lovely way makes travel with you ! I really liked the last video, water sound is a peaceful one.

    Happy SWS !


  5. Well, it sounds, and looks like you had a very nice trip to Colorado. I liked seeing the pictures. We lived in Colorado for 3 years when we first got married and I loved it there. I have been wanting to go there for a visit sometime. Maybe that will happen soon, now that you have inspired me! :)

    Glad you joined your post to Six Word Saturday!

    Have a good week!
    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits


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