Sorry No New Ideas!

The reason that I haven't made any new post lately is that I haven't had anything new to write about. We might get some thunderstorm's tomorrow so, maybe i'll be able to write something about that. If we can get any we have a 80 percent chance of thunderstorm's for Friday night and Saturday Morning. I know no one really reads my posts but, if any of you were wondering why I haven't been writing anything lately it's because I couldn't think of anything interesting to write. I will try to find something interesting to write about but, for right now I can't think of anything. I don't know when my next post will be but, if anything new happens I will make a post about it so, there may not be any new post for the next couple of days.


  1. hey! I read your posts! I just haven't had time to comment in a while...

  2. Yeah I know but, not alot of people do though. : )


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