I Got My Sylvania TV Today!

Since I had broken my little Sharp TV that I use to play my video games on. I decided to order another little TV on the internet. I was hoping to find another TV like the one I had but, they only sell flat screen TV's now so, I had to try and find the smallest and cheapest ones that they that had the audio and video outputs that allowed me to play video games on it. I decided to buy a used Sylvania 19" LC190SL1 LCD HD TV Energy Star 720p on ebay for $94.99. The TV works great but, there is a little scratch on the screen and since they said to expect some scratches on it I can't return it. It's not really that big of a scratch and I have a 30 day warranty so, maybe I can get Sylvania to fix the screen for me. If you are thinking about buying a little TV to play video games on then this is a good TV to buy. It has all the audio and video outputs that you need and the picture quality is good. The TV is great but, I wish that I had bought a new one though.


  1. I think it was a good buy.. nice one, José

  2. Thanks! Yeah I didn't even notice the scratch today when I was playing video games on it but, I probably still need to get it fix though.

  3. it's just a little scratch don't worry about it.


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