Rainy Day!

Rainy day, Simon spent it laying around.
Sometimes getting up.

Joining Mitchell at Thetruebookaddict in her Cat Thursdays, click the link to join in and see other entries. http://thetruebookaddict.blogspot.com/


  1. Awww. Love your kitty! Mine lays around ALL day too!
    Thanks for joining us for Cat Thursday!

    1. Thanks, they all do! I worry that he doesn't get enough exercise sometimes. Thanks for the visit and follow! : )

  2. Simon is so gorgeous, Joseph! Is he a Siamese mix? He reminds me of a Himalayan/Siamese mix we had when I was a teen.

    1. Thanks, I don't know. I looked it up awhile ago and he looked to be a pure Siemese. He looks to be a pure Siamese mixed in with a tabby. His sister is a black and grey tabby. : )

  3. Simon is one handsome guy! I wish we all had lives like our cats do, lots of time for relaxing, being loved on, and eating well! Never having to go to school or work, that would be the life!


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