Playing Old Video Game on PS2

I bought this game from a lot of PS2 and PS games from ebay. I haven't played it in awhile and it brought back some great memories of me playing it when I was a kid. It was one of the first PS2 games that I bought. I remember spending all of my $100 (probably Christmas money) on two games, Gran Turismo and another PS2 game, I was really excited to be playing it, since I had just gotten a PS2 for Christmas.
I had chosen to get a PS2 instead of a computer, like the rest of my siblings. And i'm not sadden by that, other than not being able to use the internet, but that's ok! The PS2 occupied my time greatly. I remember spending every Saturday on the floor of my parents bedroom floor, on a old, unused tv. I thought it was a really fun video game back then and I still do. So that's what I've been doing this Saturday.

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  1. Joseph, I am glad the the GT-3 still will run on your newer Play Station.

    You are out of my knowlege base here. I've only played on a very old Atari (still have it) and a Wee just a little bit.

    Have a nice week,

    1. LOL! Those are great systems! I've played on the Wee a couple of times too. I had fun, it is a fun system. : )

  2. Fun never goes out of style. I am glad you are finding time for fun!

    1. Thanks, kind of work slash fun. I'm testing the game to see if it works so that I can sell it, but I got a little caught up and spent the whole day playing it. : )

  3. Never been into games myself, but I remember my sons enjoying them when they were youngsters.

    1. Ya my mom wasn't either, but she said she used to sometimes. : )

  4. I loved the old Atari, if the joysticks hadnt been so junky id probably still be using it. I think its the thing that geared me up to investigate computers in the first place, strangely enough. Glad you could still use yours.
    If you still can, and enjoy it that much, why sell it?

    1. Ya, I've never played on any of those old systems, but I just recently played Intellivision Lives! A PS2 game that lets you play all of the Intellivision games from the late 70's and early 80's. I thought they were pretty fun, especially Astrosmashers! I liked the racing games too.
      That's true, maybe I won't sell. : )


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