
I think my brain is broken, I can't think of anything to write.

Actually, I do have something I can write about!

When I was 12 years old I had broken my wrist during a bicycle accident. I had a cheap bicycle bought from a department store that disassembled before I even got to ride it. I was very upset and wanted a bicycle to ride, so I asked my older brother if I could ride his bike. He said no, but maybe he said yes? I don't know, I don't remember.
I'll I remember was that I really wanted to ride a bike. So I took my older brothers. It was red and I thought it looked cool. Since it was my older brothers, everything he did and had looked cool.

Here is a picture of my older brothers old red bike.

Ok, ya I think I remember what he said! He told me that his bike was broken too! One of his brakes, right, or left, wasn't working. Meaning that if I pressed just one of the brakes, I would fall flat on my face! Which I did....
Back to my story......with, or without my older brothers permission, I took his red bike and rode it up and down and up and down, my street, till after a while I got bored and wanted to go home. I was doing pretty well, with just one brake, but when the time came that I wanted to go home, I forgot!
Pedaling as fast as I could, I rushed towards the driveway of my house and not thinking I had gotten a little too close to it and instinctively slammed on the brakes. My face slammed hard to the ground, scraping it pretty badly. I ran into my house, went into the bathroom, and looked into the mirror. My face was all scraped up.
After some Bededine and rest. My parents rose me up to put on some clothes. Reaching into the shirts sleeves, I felt a terrible pain coming from my hand through my arm. I had broken my wrist.
Today, my older brother has another newer bike, that he actually just got back from the repair shop yesterday. I would show y'all a picture, but I don't think he'd want me to. It works fine, it was just a little bit rusty, from sitting in the garage too long. He let me ride it. I didn't fall, or break my wrist this time!

Joining Josie Two Shoes, from Two Shoes in Texas, click the link to join in, or see other entries.


  1. Oh Joseph I loved this story, especially the uncertainty about whether you actually had permission to ride your brother's bike. :-) I can well imagine how bad it felt to go sailing off that bike when the second brake failed. I'm sorry about the broken wrist, that sure took all the fun out of the ride! It's definitely a memory you will have forever. Thank you for sharing this great story with us at Two Shoes Tuesday, we enjoy you so much!

  2. I'm guessing you didn't have permission, but after that nasty fall I'm guessing your brother gave you a pass. This reminded me of the years my son crashed all the time. I spent a great deal of time in the emergency room during those years.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

    1. Lol! Ya, my broken wrist was punishment enough.
      : )

  3. As they say, you really don't remember the exact words. Only how you felt ;o)

    Happy Two Shoes Tuesday! ;o)

  4. Joseph, I am glad you are okay! While it could have been worse, it was bad enough! I guess you healed okay, but that must have been painful. Hugs.

    1. Ya, no fun... Most of my scraps were healed, but some of them left scars. : )

  5. Hi Joseph ~~ Great story, good words, of a tough time that you wrote here. My sister and I shared our bike. It was a green Sears Roebuck girls bike. We got it when I was five and Dad made a seat lowering rigging so that I could ride it to school, a mile, in the first grade.

    I almost crashed my motorcycle coming over a Houston overpass. I was going fast, 60+, and at the top all the cars had stopped for traffic. But I did remember to apply both brakes and it held, just went sideways a little bit on an oily patch.

    Do you still have that old bike? My sister still has hers.

    1. I sold the motorcycle but would like another. Or a Vespa motor scooter.

    2. Lol! You were going fast! I'm glad you made it out ok.

      No, we gave most of our old bikes to a street worker that saw them and wanted them. Since I didn't see any reason to keep them, I decided to give the bikes to him.

      Alright, but just be careful. Stay within the speed limit. I think I almost flipped over my car going too fast on the overpass. Maybe a scooter, or Vespa, would be better. : )

  6. nice story...hurt when it happened but funny to look back on.


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