Not Much to do But Sit!

With my stomach muscle still pulled, I have nothing to do except, sit until I feel better.

Joining Cate in her 6WS, click on the box below to join in, or see other entries.


  1. Hi Joseph, Neighbor, and Friend ~~ I am sorry to hear about your pulled muscle. Your doctor has good advice.

    Be sure though, not to sit in too much sun. Kathe W has some good advice about that in her 6WS. :)

    1. Alright, i'll go read her post, and yours too! Thanks! : )

  2. I forgot to mention liking your cartoon guy for today.
    He is really neat! Did you draw him?

  3. I sure enjoyed your 6 words Joseph! Thanks too for commenting on my post!
    Stay cool and get better soon!


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