
It was early in the morning, the day that it had happened. A flash of lightning struck by his bedroom window. Making him remember it all over again. He couldn't help, but think about it.
It had happened recently and to his own home! His mother was not happy about it and neither was he, but he couldn't help, but be awed!
The tornado smashed into his old houses living room and tore up his old houses upstairs. His room lay in ruins, but his stuff was still there. Even his red ribboned stuffed teddy bear, that he had to leave behind as his parents grabbed him and threw him into the tornado shelter under the house. The boy's name was Billy.
Billy started to cry when he realized what had happened. He had left his bear behind. Billy's mom told Billy to be quiet and Billy knew that he should, but he just couldn't help it. He kept crying and crying.....
Finally the noise ceased and the tornado was gone. Billy ran in to his house and up the broken stairs to his bedroom. Making sure not to trip, or hurt himself, Billy digged through the wreckage. He had found his bear. It was untouched, not a scratch on it! Billy hugged his bear and went down stairs to meet his parents.
His parents were talking to a tired faced fireman, who gave Billy a long look, as Billy came running down the stairs, through what used to be the kitchen, which was now a open sunlit room with broken plates, broken glasses, and tossed silverware. The fireman told Billy to be careful. Billy hugged his bear and ran to his parents.
"Where are we going to live mommy?" Asked Billy.
Billy's mom said she didn't know, but that they would find someplace soon.
After about a week of staying at a hotel and talking with a insurance company, Billy's parents found a new home, not too faraway from Billy's old home.
Another lightning strike flashed across Billy's window.
Sitting on his bed and remembering this, Billy grabbed his teddy bear, clutching it, just in case, he wasn't going to risk losing him again.

Joining Joise Two Shoes, in her Two Shoes Tuesday. Click the link to join in, or see other entries. http://www.josie2shoes.com


  1. Joseph!! I was so very pleased to see you write such a great story for TST! I can tell you put a lot of thought and work into it, and it's really good! You added lots of good descriptives so that I could picture Billy stepping thru the rubble to find his beloved bear, and the way you ended it was perfect. You should try Five Sentence Fiction some week, I bet you'd enjoy the challenge of that too! Thank you much for joining us at Two Shoes Tuesday, this was just awesome!!

  2. wow- so sad that happened to so many children this summer.
    Thanks for sharing this story.

    1. I kind of got this story from something that had happened to me when I was a kid. We had a severe storm that knocked down one of our trees in our back yard by a possible twister and then one of our other trees in our front yard caught on fire, so we had to leave. I didn't enjoy having to leave my stuffed animals behind. Luckily it was still raining and the fire got put out.
      : )

  3. Joseph...this is an awesome story. One that you should be proud of. It has everything a story needs...great beginning, suspense and a great ending...your have a great talent for story telling.

    1. Cool, thanks! I've been thinking about writing a longer version, maybe write some kind of a tornado story. : )

  4. Joseph, this is your best yet. I love it. Great job! Hugs.


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