Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July! This is a video of local, neighborhood fireworks, that my neighborhood shows us every year. As you can see, the fireworks aren't that special, but I enjoy being able to see them from the comfort of my home. Especially since I am currently unable to go anywhere, do to one of my stomach muscles recently being pulled. Not fun, being stuck at home, but I enjoyed the firework show, that I get to see once every year. Happy 4th of July! I hope y'all had a good day!

Joining Josie Two Shoes from Two Shoes in Texas. Click the link to join in, or see other entries. http://www.josie2shoes.com/


  1. I hope you feel better soon, Joseph! Nice show!

  2. Yikes, how did you pull the stomach muscle? OUCH! I'm sorry you are laid up, that's not fun in the summer time, though maybe it saves you from walking with the sign on the baking sidewalk for awhile! :-) This was a pretty cool video since the fireworks were distant and it was like the sky was glowing right before the burst! We got to watch our neighbor's fireworks from our deck last night. It was a great show for free! :-) Thanks for linking up with Two Shoes Tuesday!

    1. I was lifting some things that were too heavy. No, not fun, but yes I don't have to hold a sign for my parents store, in this heat! Thanks glad you liked it! : )

  3. the perfect show...36 seconds...I endured hour after hour of a heavy barrage of fireworks over my house...I was wondering if I hadn't been time warped back to the siege of London


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