Friday Fill in Fun 8!

1. Snow, hot chocolate, and, homemade chocolate chip cookies, is my ideal winter night.
2. I don't remember the last time I ran really fast but, I really want to.
3. I will never turn down a cry for help.
4. To save money I like to not spend it.



  1. That is a great thing to do with money, Joseph. Saving it for a rainy day is always a good thing!


  2. That Corgi :), Yes it is but, I have trouble doing that sometimes..
    Yvonne, Thanks!

    : )

  3. the last time I ran really fast was probably the last time I ran.. I always try to run, go to fast, and stop running for months!

  4. That happened to me during track, I would run really fast and then not want to run anymore. : )


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