A New Year's Picture Video Review!

This is a video I made of pictures that I took during the year. Music: Just Give It Time by Left To Write. I hope you all have a Happy New Year!


  1. Hi Neighbor Joe ~~ Several of your scenes look very familiar. Guess I've been there or places like them. Your cat looks very comfy.

  2. Enjoyed the show / tune very much. A good year, as years go, I guess. Peace to you, too.

  3. It's been great getting to know you in 2011. Happy New Year and visit my etsy shop too.

  4. What a lovely idea!

    Happy New Year.

  5. Happy New Year! Neat way to remember the year!

  6. Love your views of the sky - an optimistic nature at work here, I think.

  7. What a wonderful video, thanks so much for sharing a part of your world, and most darling animals...that song is awesome too. I was studying some pictures of Greenland, thinking especially the people there it would be a great place to visit, but my first thought was I could never live there...I'd miss the trees! As you have captured so many views of them here..I am a fan of trees and brush and all that forest type stuff! Cool video again!

  8. great show Joe!
    Happy New Year to you and your family!

  9. Love your pictures! As the companion to two cats myself, I particularly liked those ones.

  10. Great pics, hope you have a sensational New Year

  11. Thanks for the comments, Happy New Year everyone!

    : )

  12. Loved it, Joseph! Was surprised to see Koda's picture there, LOL :)

    Great picture of you; especially the last picture in the video! What a year of photos! I was wondering if you were going to include the peacock and then I saw a picture of it! I like how you did this, grouped weather together, your shirts together, cars, blogs you follow and like, your cat and other animals, etc. Great looking tree!

    I hope you do have a happy new year Joseph, for you and your family, and that it is one filled with love, joy, peace and hope!


  13. Lol! DId you like it?

    Thanks! I hope this year will be good for you and your family also. : )


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