Friday Fill in Fun 6!

1. I can't believe it's almost Christmas, it seems like this year has gone by really fast.
2. DJ Pygme - Christmas is my favorite song, I've been waiting all year to show this song, listen to it here.
3. If I don't have my hot tea in the morning, I cannot make it through the day, I love tea!!!!
4. I love my city dearly, but wish it would snow here, I may have to move sorry Houston, I still love you!


  1. When my son was stationed in San Antonio they actually got snow there! I think that was about 4 years ago.

  2. Cool! That might have been in 08 or 09, that's when we got some snow here. : )

  3. I hadn't heard of this before, Joseph! It is a cool song; kind of catchy!! Snow is cool as long as it isn't too cold with it (get the joke, LOL :)

    I like tea too; nothing better to warm up with on a chilly day but a big mug of tea!!


  4. It's unbelievable to me that it's December already and will be 2012 before we know it.

  5. I can't believe it is december either...

  6. That Corgi : ), Ha ha! lol! Tea is awesome!!
    Yvonne, Ya time fly's by too fast, it needs to slow down.
    Jennifer, Ya it's one of my favorite songs!
    Hilary, November seemed to fly by quickly.

    : )


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