First Day of The Summer Season!

Today is the first day of  the summer season! We'll actually April was the first day of the summer season. Well for Houston it was anyway. The good news is that we have some chances of rain this week. Today, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday there is going to be a chance for rain. I hope we can finally get over a inch of rain. I was looking at the Houston drought monitor yesterday and I saw that we've had the driest Oct-May ever recorded. I also read that we are in a exceptional drought and that means that Houston is under a water emergency. That's not good. The only time we ever got over 2.00 inches of rain this year was on January 24. Which was the day that I had my heart surgery. I'm hoping that they don't change the forecast and that we get some heavy rain. They keep saying that we have a 60 percent chance for rain and then they change it to having only a 30 percent chance for rain. I'm hope they change it back. We need the rain.


  1. Happy summer! that is not good to be in drought conditions so I hope you guys get some rain that they predict might come!

    I hope you are recovering well following your heart surgery, but I'm betting you probably have had a few before in the past. Now that explains why you have an INR machine, I was wondering why.

    enjoy your summer!!!


  2. lol! I thought I had mentioned it before. Thankfully I've had only one and hopfully I won't have to have another one! I hope you enjoy Your summer too! : )


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