Tail, or Time!

I want to write a tail, or should I write about time?

I will write a tale.....

Simon was a cat who lived inside his owner's house for twenty cat years, when his owner had suddenly left somewhere, but he didn't know where, he just packed a suitcase and left. A couple of weeks had gone by, still no sign of his owner. All Simon had left was his owner's family who fed him and gave him water. During those few weeks that Simon's owner was gone, Simon had thought that he had heard his owner's voice coming from a small black box that he had sometimes seen his owner talk into. Simon could barely understand the conversation, but it seemed to be something about his water bowl and making sure it had enough water in it.
Simon was on high alert now, no not the water bowl! What did they want to do with it??? Simon spent a whole three days worrying about his water bowl and wondering if the water was going to some day run out. "Why did they need to worry about it, there was already enough water in the bowl/" Simon thought to himself. but Simon was now getting worried and thought it would be better to conserve his water usage.
Simon spent those three days guarding his water bowl and every time one of his owner's family came into the kitchen, they would fill it up, thinking Simon wanted more, or cleaner water. But Simon would not share, afraid that the water in the water bowl would one day be gone, he only took a few licks out of it each day. He wouldn't even share his water bowl with his sister, who he hissed at when she went to the water bowl. His sister was more of a outdoor cat and had to spend those three days drinking water outside of the house, or wherever she could find it.
"I have to conserve the water!" Simon hissed at his sister. Simon's sister gave Simon a sharp look and shook her head. "Don't mess with the crazies...." Simon's sister thought to herself.
Eventually Simon got tired of guarding his water bowl and went on to other things, like sleeping on his owner's bed and on other places around the house.
After a few weeks of not seeing his owner, Simon was getting very worried about his owner and wanted to find out where he was. But then on one warm sunny day Simon's owner walked through the front door. Simon couldn't understand it, his excitement quickly turned into anger and he ran away from his owner. "Where have you been!" Simon thought to himself, purring and meowing loudly.
"Sorry Simon, I had to go on a urgent business trip!" Simon's owner said to Simon, while patting and rubbing him on the head.
"Ok!" Simon said purring loudly and smiling. Neither Simon, or his owner could clearly understand what each other was saying, but actions speak louder than words and Simon knew that his owner was sad to leave him. And Simon's owner knew that Simon was glad to have him back home and they both gave each other a big hug and smiled.

The end.

Joining Josie Two Shoes in her Two Shoes Tuesday, click the link to join in, or see other entries. http://www.josie2shoes.com/


  1. What a wonderful tail tale! :-) And you worked in time there too! I always feel so bad when I have to leave our cats to go on a trip, even though they get very good care while we are gone. I know they miss us and I try to tell them we will be back, but I don't know if they understand. Just like you wrote here, they sometimes act a little mad when we return, but only for a few minutes to teach us a lesson, then they come piling into our laps to purr and purr. All is right when we are home together. Thank you for such a sweet story, Joseph, one can never go wrong with cats! :-))

    1. Thanks!

      Ya I don't like to just leave them without a word, but I never know what to say, and I don't think they would understand what I was saying anyway. Eventually I guess they will figure out that suitcase means going to be gone for a while.... : )

    2. They sure do figure that out Joseph, as soon as we pull out suitcases and start assembling a pile of things to go, our cats get nervous and Sophie tries to pack herself in the bag! She doesn't like being left behind! :-)

  2. Good story Joseph! It is hard for a pet to understand when their owners are gone like that. They get so set in their routines and they don't understand "he'll be back soon" like when I say to Koda when my hubby is gone for a few days. Glad Simon's owner did come back!


    1. Ya I wish they could understand us, but I enjoy seeing their shocked expressions when I come back from a long trip! : )

  3. Luckily in our family all the pets twisted every member of family arounbf their paws or claws (whetever) so they didn't fret when one was away even the one that usually did the chores as that job was shared too. Gtreat story!

  4. My boy is always well cared for when im away but I always hear the stories about how he kept looking for me when I was gone.

    1. Ya I felt bad for my little sisters cat when I had to take care of her. Even though she looked happy I knew that she was still missing my sister. : )

  5. Cute story. Seem realistic to me that a cat would wonder about his water bowl. I wonder where the owner was? I probably need to reread. I am slow sometime. :P

    1. Ya Simon is obsessed with his water bowl. He will run down the stairs every time I fill it up. Also he will sometimes stand impatiently next to it, waiting for me to re-fill it when I go into the kitchen. : )

  6. Okay. Duh, business trip. I saw it after second reading. ;)


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