
I've never liked to hear things get crunched and I cringe every time I drive and I hear something crunch under my wheels, hoping it's not an animal.

But something's that I do like that crunch are snow boots crunching in a thick pile of snow...

And Crunchies!

They are very good European chocolates, from my aunt that lives in London, I think. I like them alot!

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  1. Cadbury's Crunchie was indeed a British favourite from years back but was gobbled up by the Yanks I think but is now owned by some other multinational company. A similar bar known at Violet Crumble was made in Australia for years until taken over by the opposition...crunched in fact!

    1. I think it was bought by the people who make Mars bars, but i'm not sure, or maybe Nestle? : )

  2. Ive never seen a crunchie bar but I do appreciate a good crunchy snow hike...

    1. Ya I think they are only sold in Europe and maybe in some international food stores in the U.S. : )

  3. That candy sounds delicious Joseph! Figures it would only be available in Europe! I did like walking or crunching on snow as long as there wasn't ice under it :)


  4. I totally agree with you about crunching through snow, Joseph. One of my favorite childhood memories is crunching thru the snow at at night during Christmastime and looking at all the colored lights. It's a wonderful sound then! It's not such a good sound if you are crunching thru snow because your car slid off the icy road into a ditch and you need to walk for help to get it out! I'm glad that neither you or I live where winters are like that!

    I've never heard of Crunchie candbars, but if there's chocolate involved, it has to be good! :-)

    1. No, that doesn't sound fun...

      Yup they are good! I think they tasted like Butterfingers mixed with Kit Kat bars : )


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