Joined The A to Z Challenge!

I've decided to sign up for the A to Z Challenge in April, where I'll have to make a post each day for each letter of the day. The A to Z challenge is in alphabetical order from A to Z and each day, except Sunday, i'll have to make a post starting with the letter of that day. So on the first day i'll have to write a post starting with the letter a, and then on the second day starting from the letter b, and the third day c, and so on....
I am really looking forward to this challenge! I've been wanting to do the April A to Z challenge ever since I first heard about it a couple of years ago and this year, I am going to try it! I hope I can keep up!

Click this link to sign up!


  1. Good for you, Joseph! It is a fun thing to do! My advice, write the posts in advance if you can. I have most of them written, probably just have 4 more to do. Keep things short and simple and get a theme. I'm going to announce me theme 3/21; it is a simple one, involves pictures.

    I'm sure you'll do great!


    1. Ok! I'm going to get started on mine today! I'll see if I can think of a meme, or I just might just go random, I don't know. I look forward to reading yours! Thanks! : )


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